Statins or dihydroquercetin – what’s better for lowering cholesterol

Increasingly difficult to persuade patients to change diet or physical activity. The reason for this condition is the rush that accompanies us every day. Doctors Cardiologists wonder whether in these circumstances does not recommend the use of prophylactic statin drugs in the fight against cholesterol (action is based on the block in the liver reductase enzyme hydroksymetyloglutarylo-CoA). In today’s post I will try to explain the similarities and differences of statin drugs and dihydroquercetin-the measure of the use of medical and preventive .In accordance with the recommendations of both the European and American treatment of lipid disorders main objective is the reduction of LDL-cholesterol with statin drugs. This is the standard therapy that reduces the level of cholesterol (and triglycerides) in the blood.

The scale of the problem can provide the quantity of drugs sold. Sales of the drug under the trade name Lipitor in 2006 stood at 12.9 billion dollars, making it the most popular prescription drug in the world. You have to just think about how many of these patients have side effects?

In a study published in the year 2012, it was found that statins have a relationship with a larger 52% occurrence of plaques with calcification in the coronary arteries compared with people who did not take these medications. The study involved 6 673 people without established coronary artery disease. Until 2001 year, there was a belief that all Statins are well over hipolipemic drugs, high efficiency and the safety of their use. However, in the face of reports of dozens of deaths in a few years as a result of the emergence of adverse reactions in patients receiving Ceriwastatin, the company that produces this medicin has decided to withdraw it from the experience. In addition, Statins affect ailments associated with ponds and skeletal muscles because they inhibit the production of Coenzyme Q10.

The result of this is the damage to the muscle (the muscle of the heart) and lock the kidney. This has an important impact on the peoples` functioning after 45 years, when metabolism and hormone levels and significantly affects the functions of traffic. Coenzyme Q10 is essential for cells, by lowering its concentration of about 25% of the cells functions are compromised. The decrease in the concentration of up to 50%-cell dies. The cause of deficiency of Coenzyme Q10 can be impairment of its biosynthesis as a result of malnutrition (starvation), poisoning and own poisoning, processes, e.g. cell degeneration. as a result of aging, and others. The concentration of Coenzyme Q10 in samples of heart muscle, taken at the time of surgical procedures in people with heart disease (cardiomyopathies), is clearly lower than in healthy people. While the use of statin drugs may experience gastrointestinal disorders (e.g. stomach aches, vomiting, nausea) and liver damage, reddening of the skin, feeling hot, headache. I met up with the announcement that statins exhibit antioxidant properties like dihydroquercetin. Improvement of vascular endothelial function under the influence of statin drugs is largely a derivative of their antioxidant properties. Statins reduce the expression of AT1 receptors for Angiotensin II. Secondly, inhibit the protein Rac geranylatio (Rho proteins family) which are necessary for the activation of NADPH OXIDASE, reducing in this way the formation of free radicals. Also increase the expression of catalase, which is responsible for the removal of free radicals.

Lowering the concentration of oxygen free radicals, improves endothelial function, increases the bioavailability of the NO (inactivated by free radicals) and reduces LDL cholesterol molecules atherogenesis which, in the oxide form are more susceptible to phagocytosis by macrophages. Statin drugs have antioxidant activity but vain search for the information in this leaflet..In this connection, I attempted for a comparison of these two substances that exhibit pleiotropic, or omnidirectional.

What is the use of: DIHYDROQUERCETIN

What supports the use of:

The measure of plant origin
Extracted from dahursky`larch
Prophylactic agent, non-prescription issued
Mechanism of drug action
1/stopping growth of calcified atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries of the heart, as well as in individual cases, eliminates early calcium deposits,
2/thereby helping act of blood vessels can reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, keeping it in the right amount. This includes not only the LDL cholesterol, but also its more atherogetic type-Lp-a, it strengthens the heart,
3/protects the liver against toxins.

Side effects:
not detected.

There may be individual intolerance to a substance, pregnant women and breast-feeding should not take products containing this substance.

Isolated with the fungus Aspergillus terreus, named lowastatin, previously Mevastatin. There are still: Atorvastatin, Simvastatin, Pravastatin, Fluvastatin, Rosuvastatin, Pitavastatin

subject to medical prescription

Mechanism of drug action:
1/lower cholesterol and tri glycerides in the blood.

Adverse reactions:
1/Statins causing an increase in insulin resistance contribute to the prevalence of diabetes, particularly type 2.
2/Statins contribute to a reduction in the level of Coenzyme Q which 10 is responsible for removing all kinds of poisons from the body. Most of Coenzyme Q 10 is in the mitochondria. Mitochondria are such a small factory of energy for the cell. If they reduced cholesterol levels, it also decreases the amount of Coenzyme Q 10 in mitochondria and produce less energy. Damaging mitochondria also results in an increase in free radicals. Even more free radicals damage cells. And this leads to acidosis in the muscles, for example. heart
3/Risk of side effects increases while taking medications, such as antibiotics, clarithromycin and erythromycin, antifungals, medicines containing niacin, antiviral drugs used against HIV, drugs used in immunosuppressive therapy after organ transplants, and to treat tumors,
4/Sexual dysfunction, and depression.

1/persons who are suffering or suffered in the past for liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes, thyroid disorders, or drink more than two alcoholic beverages a day require a special dose adjustment and in some cases, the implementation of additional studies,
2/are not allowed to serve people on who are allergic statin atorvastatin or any substance contained in medication,
3/should not be taken during pregnancy because it can damage the fetus and cause birth defects. The use of this drug by women of child-bearing age requires the use of contraception or by using other methods of birth control,
4/to prohibit the use of grapefruit juice-that affects the metabolism of most drugs.

Please note that in the case of the use of statin drugs, the doctor should have performed the research level of creatine kinase, or enzyme that signals the failure of the muscle cell (you can execute while morphology). Unfortunately, this is not a common practice. Doctors in spite of adverse claim that this is a safe drug and should not be afraid of admitting it. Instead, we must regularly monitor the level of creatine kinase, liver and kidney condition and be in constant contact with your doctor

This raises the question whether the patient should treat elevated cholesterol levels or even lower the possibility of coronary heart disease at the expense of diabetes, diseases associated with muscle pain (myopathy), liver and kidneys? Doctors often use drug (Statin) recommend Coenzyme Q10 supplementation and/or lecithin which regulates has been of economy. You should consider whether it is adversely dihyroquercetin supplementation on the prevention, which will strengthen the blood vessels (and maintain an adequate level of cholesterol with no side effects) or prevent the need to take statins?

1/ Patent: Method of using nutritional compounds dihydroquercetin (taxifolin) and arabinogalactan in combination with dihydroquercetin (taxifolin) to reduce and control cardiometabolic risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome and hipercholesterolemia , Inventors : Sergey V. Philippov, Igor M. Bogorodov 10.10.2013 date of publication




5/ Place of statin drugs in the treatment of metabolic syndrome Agnieszka Capon-Cieślicka, Krzysztof j. Filipiak, and the Cathedral and the Cardiology Clinic of the Medical Academy in Warsaw, heart disease and blood 2008, volume 5, no. 1, 18-27.

6/ Statins — either standard therapy of the 21st century. How to choose the optimal dose? Paul Bogdański, Danuta Pupek-Musialik Katedra and the clinic of internal diseases, metabolic disorders and hypertension at the University of Medycznegoim. K. in Diagnostics, Lab of medical education, and Treatment of obesity, metabolic disorders Forum 2010, volume 1, no. 3, 131-140.

7/flyer Lipitor (Sortis) and Crestor

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